Monday, February 24, 2014

FMU Champs of the Month: John, Blake, Mike & Patty

This little hockey stud is one of the coolest kids to be around. We let him into our program at only 5 years old because of how mature he is. The first day he came into the gym, I looked back after talking with his mom for a minute, and he was already at the top of the rope climb!  Just turning 6, he's still one of the youngest in our programs. He does an excellent job listening, following instructions, being kind and helpful to others, and works hard every session. And he has no problem nailing our fitness challenges! In fact, he just earned WHITE Level Wristband already.   But what we love most about him is his personality. Character is everything, and this little guy has a lot of it! Congrats John for being our Inspire Champ of the Month.

Blake is in 7th grade at Westlake Middle School. What I love about Blake is he loves to have fun but he also knows when it's time to take care of business---which serves as a great example to kids his age.  As soon as we released the Wristband Level System, he was all over it. He was our first YOUTH in all ages to earn the first wristband. He is at his Grey 1 and almost at Grey 2 already.  I've caught Blake multiple times helping other kids during our workouts and you'll always catch a SMILE on this guy's face. So glad he's apart of FMU. Congrats Blake for being our IGNITE Champ of the Month.

You have to see these two in action----they prove that age DOES NOT MATTER.  They have no problem sharing that they are one of the oldest in the group, but you would never know. They keep some of us young bucks trying hard to keep up with them!  They've been working out with us for about 2 years now.  Their story is really cool. Before they came to us, Patty wasn't doing much for exercise and she said she was extremely nervous to try out our classes.  Mike at one point had such bad back issues that he was literally immobile on his bed, not able to move.  Not too long after Patty started, she eventually encouraged Mike to give it a shot. He came in, and they've been with us ever since. Let's not forget how awesome it is that as a couple they attend consistently, 3x a week, to work out together. They are also very involved with our church and do a lot for others. AN EXAMPLE they are to all of us. God bless you guys. Congrats on this long overdue #CHAMPSTATUS.

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