Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Dear college boys,

I'm Gio and in 14 years I want to be just like you.

When you go to college....

Will you show me how to be the life of the party without drinking and smoking.

Will you show me how to get involved in service and not just sports.

Will you show me how to be true to myself and not conform to the majority. 

Will you show me how to make all kids feel welcome and not just the cool ones.

Will you show me how to work hard and take pride in learning and not just skip class because it's boring. 

Will you show me how to take advantage of opportunities and not throw them away because of stupidity. 

Will you show me how to be wise with my money and not blow it at bars. 

Will you show me how to treat women with respect even if disrespected, how to fill them with value when they don't feel that they have any, and protect and provide for them like you would expect for your sister and mother. 

Will you show me how to embrace and be proud of my faith even when tested and degraded.

Will you show me how to leave ready to make this world better then the way it was left for me. 

Please don't forget that even if you don't believe it, I'm watching and learning. 

The path can be changed if you're willing to man up and change it.

Be an example today.

It's an absolute game-changer for the next generation. 

It's not about me,
Gio (4 yrs old)

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