Sunday, March 2, 2014


I like to follow themes before I post a blog. Lately the theme around me has been SORENESS.

Here’s what I’ve been hearing:
“I like being sore because it means I had a tough workout.”
“I'm not getting sore anymore, am I not working hard enough?”
“When I get sore, I know I'm getting results.”

We all like that sore feeling. Something about it makes us feel good. I used to use my soreness as a measurement of a successful workout. In fact, I used to say that I didn't deserve true relaxation until my entire body was sore head to toe from an extreme event. Ridiculous may be the term for that.

But what really triggered me to post this was hearing some of my middle school YOUTH talk about how they like to be sore because it means they had a good workout.  If they think that, then you know adults think that, because that’s most likely where the misinformation is trickling down from.

So I just want to make sure I do my part and emphasize that: SORENESS DOES NOT EQUAL EFFECTIVENESS.

We could pull some research here to prove it, but let’s just fall back on common sense.
1. My back was sore from shoveling snow for ten minutes.
2. Amber was sore in her arm from playing dodgeball this week.
3. I was extremely sore from doing 1000 pull-ups.

I wouldn’t consider any of the above an “effective” workout.  Soreness doesn’t necessarily mean too much other than, YOU DID SOMETHING YOUR BODY WASN’T USED TO.

Wonder if I told you instead of chasing soreness, to chase the opposite---not being sore?  The goal really, when seeking phenomenal shape and conditioning, is to do just that.  Then you can perform better in subsequent workouts and not have to sit out for a few days because you can't move. It’s a good sign to not be sore because it means you’re conditioning your body right and you're getting in better shape.  

Ways to Reduce Soreness:
1. Active Warm-up.
2. Foam roll before and after your workouts.
3. Hydrate adequately.
4. 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
5. Quality before, during, and after workout nutrition.
6. Increase reps and loads gradually and progressively.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to be sore.  It’s going to happen. You’ll probably notice that you feel it more after the first week of a new routine.  You may feel light soreness after the second week. But by the third, you may not feel much at all.  This is because you built your body up right and now your muscles are used to the regimen.

I just want you to look at soreness differently.  You shouldn't seek it as a determinant of quality workout. I don't want you to think that if you're not sore then you're not doing things right. I really don't want you to become one of those people who bounce around from workout to workout, gym to gym, infomercial to infomercial, looking for the right potion. Then you may start doing some crazy, extreme stuff that does no good for you in the long run.

Your mind has a lot of power over your results. Understand and BELIEVE in what you're doing and why you're doing it and it will benefit you greatly.

PERCEPTION. Once it changes so does your life. 

And your workouts.

Life is not about me,
Coach Theo

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